So I got these guys a little while back with Lugnut and just wanted to showcase them a little bit. First off: Goldbug or Gold Bumblebee as he is called on the package. I don't know if Hasbro no longer owns the name Goldbug or if they are just trying to build on the popularity of the Bumblebee character. This is a great little figure, just about as easy to transform as the original Goldbug and a pretty good homage, with the face being the only exception. He should have a mask instead of a mouth, but I can overlook this.
Robot mode, notice the lack of a faceplate. |
Vehicle mode, generic car. |
Compared to the original, smaller vehicle mode... |
...but slightly larger robot mode. Strange. |
If this was G1, the guy on the right would get shot and rebuilt as the guy on the left. |
Good figure overall, a nice representation of the character and nice colors! Next up: Trailbreaker, or as the package says: Trailcutter. In this instance I believe Hasbro actually did loose the name Trailbreaker unfortunately. Doesn't matter to me, I'm just happy to have a representation of the character in my Neo-G1 setup no matter what they call him or what size he is. Hasbro did a great job on this one and even incorporated the original Trailbreaker's sensor array over his head. Again, transformation is fast and quite a lot like the original toy.
Again, a generic vehicle mode. |
Nice robot mode, notice the blue visor. |
Pretty good representation! |
Love the red knees, perfect! |
Another great release by Hasbro. I know a lot of people are clamoring for a larger version of this character, but this one actually fits me just fine. Trailbreaker was always sort of a background character in the TV show and comics anyway, I only really remember him standing out a handfull of times. So I don't mind he is a little smaller. After these guys and Wheeljack I believe only two of the original Autobots that were on the Ark still haven't been released in the new Classics format: Gears and Huffer. And I don't count the Power Core Combiner Huffer, that is
not a good representation of the character. I'm eagerly awaiting good versions of these guys as well.
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